In general, I like a nice rainy day. They seem to move at a slower pace, and have to be the best excuse for curling up with a cup of tea and a good book or magazine. It's not until I'm caught off guard in the rain that I cuss it. Because by then my hair is frizzing, my entire face feels sticky, and whatever new item of clothing I decided to wear is getting drenched. Ugh.
Someday I'll be old and maybe I'll watch the weather channel like my parents, but until then here a few items that could bright 'em up any rainy day:
(1) Hunter Rain Boots (2) J.Crew Camp Socks (3) Madewell Parka (4) J.Crew Hair Ties
Hunter + Rag & Bone Boots
Classic Camp Socks
Madewell + Penfield Kasson Parka
Metallic Hair Ties